If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever 

In Loving Memory

We have created this page to pay a tribute to the incredible human-animal bond that exists between owners and their beloved pets. Saying goodbye is never easy and we are honoured when a family welcomes us into their home to help their sweet baby cross the rainbow bridge. 

 We have a special place in our hearts for each one of our patients ❤


"After nearly 13 years, we were faced with the most difficult decision: saying goodbye to our Lexi Lou. 

Lexi was the centre of our universe. She was the perfect companion, always greeting us at the door with a subtle bow awaiting our hello, and when we weren’t going for long walks, she was perfectly content to just be with us. 

Our decision to contact Ale was the right one.   

Ale was a godsend. Not only  was she accommodating,  she was so patient, and compassionate, and Lexi was so relaxed, on her favourite place, on the couch.  

We are forever greatful to Ale for allowing Lexi such a peaceful transition."


"Sam, you were a once-in-a-lifetime dog. From the first moment we saw you at the SPCA, we knew you were the one, and you seemed to know too, that you belonged with us. How we wish we could look into your big baby eyes, stroke your teddy bear ears, and smell your dusty puppy smell. You will always be our Silly Sam, our Sweet P, our Cuddle Pup, our Chubby Bubby, the Good Boy Sam. For twelve years, you went everywhere with us, on car rides big and small, on hikes, on planes. Your place was always at Mommy’s side. Our family is not the same without you. 

Those sunset walks at Kits Beach, our trips to Portland and California, playing hands, sharing a bag of chips, watching you cuddle up with Howard the rabbit, and then Max the kitten...we have such wonderful memories with you, and our hearts break to know that there won’t be anymore to come. You were the most gentle, beautiful boy, with the most loving, beautiful heart. There will never be another Sam. 

We are so grateful for the years we spent together. We love you always and we will miss you for the rest of our lives."


"If only I could find the words to write a memorial that could capture just how special Mac was. 14 years is a long time, our children don't know what life is like without their "older" brother around.

Deeply loved and eternally missed ❤❤ "


"Our sweet Tiegan. Words can’t describe how much you meant to us and how much you will be missed. From the day we found you on the streets of Lo de Marcos, we knew you were the most special girl. You touched everyone you met and had the most beautiful spirit. You were the best little sister to Max and the best foster sister to all the DIBS Rescue pups we welcomed to our home. There will forever be a hole in our hearts without you.

Until we meet again, baby girl. Te amamos ♥️ "


"Riley was full of love always cuddling with her humans. She also had tons of energy and loved the freedom of being off leash getting to explore fields and woodlands. She could jump straight up from standing so her whole body was about 5' off the floor.

Overall a fantastic dog."


"We have been truly blessed to have such a wonderful little girl for 16 years. Bizou was completely spoiled and loved more than words.

Rest in peace our sweet little dog...until we meet again. ❤ "


"Casey was a  very special cat. She had a big personality that matched her big body.

She was extremely loving and equally bossy. She loved her human brothers but was definitely a mamma's girl. 

A little moody, she liked the house clean and had no problem peeing on anything left out of place...backpacks, hockey bags..

I miss your cuddles and your presence!❤ "


"Matilda, or Matildushka (Russian), Mooey, Precious girl, your royal highness, came to us at almost 9 years of age.  Someone in her family became allergic to her.  In any case, she was meant to be with us, so for the next almost 13 years we were graced with her presence.  She passed at the age of almost 22, on a pillow in the back yard with her collies, her girl, Emily, myself and a very special veterinarian, Dr. Ale.  

Matilda was a beautiful, graceful lady, born in St. Petersburg, Russian, came to Canada with her family and then into our home and our hearts.  She was probably the smartest cat we've ever met, simply put, almost human, but in a perfect feline way.  She loved her collies, and when she lost her best friend collie, Sheena, she grieved for 3 months.  During that time, she only showed up for her meals, otherwise she was hiding/grieving in our home.  We let her be, knowing she would be ok.  We adopted 2 ragamuffin rescue collies at 9 weeks old, and Matilda showed up to welcome them and whoop them into shape!  And that she did, teaching them manners and respect, especially for her!  Matilda never seemed to age, but in her last year, we knew she was slowing down, and it was sad to know we might have to say our goodbyes.  We let her pass peacefully, with respect, dignity and love, on a beautiful sunny day in May.  

Dr. Ale, from the bottom of our hearts we thank you for the tenderness and compassion you showed our Matilda.  Thank you for explaining everything to us, and being strong for us, and the collies.  You are a beautiful person, and we feel so honoured you took the time to come to our home when we needed you.  

We will cherish Matilda's memories forever, and now we can smile because her goodbye was so special, thanks to you. ❤❤❤"


“Mouse came into my life 16 years ago and although he was a rescue, I believe he rescued me. He always had a lot to say from the day I first met him until the day we had to say goodbye. Mouse believed his job was to investigate every inch of his new home and he wasn’t afraid of anything! He was protective of his older brother Domino and came to appreciate his sister Poppy. He was loving, caring and playful. He also really enjoyed mealtime and there were many occasions when I caught him smiling when it was time to eat. I really miss our cuddles in the evening!  Mouse filled a void in my life that I didn’t realize was there. We all miss you Mouse, but you will live in our hearts forever! I also want to say I am so grateful to Dr. Ale for her kindness, caring and compassion and for coming to our home and assisting Mouse to pass peacefully surrounded by his family. You are a true Angel.” 

Malone Lou Barry

Malone was the best friend anyone could ask for. He lived an amazing, long life full of his favourite things: truck rides, dragging around old stumps and garage sittin' on quiet days, his girl Mercy and his son Major, and of course, Tyler. He was happy as long as he was by their side. Fiercely loyal and brave; a watchdog, a guardian, a constant companion. Such a beautiful specimen for a "back 40 farm dog", his energy was insatiable when he was younger and his big brown eyes sparkled with intelligence. He tried so hard to understand your words, when he cocked head to listen it sometimes looked like it might twist right off. He tolerated other people, but Tyler was his person. He would have followed him to the ends of the Earth for eternity. Big and tough, sweet and soft you were everything a dog should be and we will always remember and miss you. Malone, if love could have kept you here, you would have lived forever.

No longer by our sides, but forever in our hearts.

Love you, my boy.  


Jackson was a gift from the Universe that I didn’t even know I needed. He was my first child that taught me the hard lessons to step up and be my best. It takes a pretty tough dog to crack a pretty tough human. He fulfilled his purpose to the best and for that I will always be eternally grateful. 


Dexter was a real big part of our family for more than 10 years. He was a great dog. He will hold a special place in our heart forever. He will be deeply missed. 

Will always love🤍 you and forever miss you.

Love your family 


Kobe, my beautiful, special boy. 

What a happy life we lived together. I’m forever changed in the best ways because of you. Thank you for loving me unconditionally with your pure and open heart, and teaching me how to do the same. 

You are forever a part of me, and I’ll carry you with me everywhere I go. I love you so much, and I miss you terribly. It’s been one of the greatest honours of my life to be your person.  

Please fill the following form if  you would like to write about your cherished companion. This page serves as a tribute to the love and joy your pet brought into your life, creating a lasting legacy for all to see.